Circus Smirkus
Purchase tickets starting May 1!
July 19
July 20
We look forward to seeing you under the big top this summer!
Big Top Tour 2025!
Circus Smirkus, New England's premier traveling youth circus, is presenting an all-new show for 2025.
Details to be announced
Circus Smirkus is ADA-compliant.
Every summer, a freshly auditioned company of Smirkus Troupers, ages 11 to 18, takes to the road for a two-month performance tour of New England. Backed by professional coaches, cooks, musicians and crew, Smirkos perform to sell-out crowds in Circus Smirkus’ very own 750-seat European-style one-ring big top tent. Smirkos endure rigorous training, daily chores, and the loading in and loading out of the Big Top. They revel in the joy of performance and the camaraderie of a common purpose—a shared dream and nearly 70 shows in just seven weeks!
Click here to download a pdf of a previous year’s program.
Clown Around With CIRCUS SMIRKUS!
North Star's presentation of Circus Smirkus will be seen by more than 3,000 people! Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to reach a large audience, support a beloved community event, and help North Star continue to offer life-changing programs to all interested teens.
~ Learn about our sponsorship levels.
~ Get VIP tickets
~ See a previous year’s program.
Contact Jodi, jodi@northstarteens.org.
Joining the Circus Smirkus volunteer team is a meaningful way to share the magic of Circus Smirkus with your community. Help spread the word and share the joy! Sign up for pre-show opportunities to help with posters, flyers and more. Or sign up for volunteer shifts at the shows . Or both! If you have any questions, please contact Loran Saito, loran@northstarteens.org.
Want to bring a large group to see a Big Top Tour show? Discounted rates may be available for groups of 15 or more: please email boxoffice@smirkus.org.
Thanks for supporting North Star and Circus Smirkus!
See Where The Troupers Will Be This Year!
Tickets on sale now!
Tour dates
★ Greenfield, MA at Franklin County Fairgrounds (note new venue)
presented by North Star: Self-Directed Learning for Teens
July 20, 21, 22
Other locations:
★ Greensboro, VT: June 29
★ Waterbury, VT: July 2, 3 & 4
★ Hanover, NH: July 6 & 7
★ Milton, VT: July 9, 10 & 11
★ Swanzey, NH: July 13 & 14
★ Harwich, MA: July 17 & 18, presented by Harwich Children’s Fund
★ Greenfield, MA: July 20, 21 & 22, presented by
North Star: Self-Directed Learning for Teens
★ Waltham, MA: July 25, 26, 27 & 28
★ Simsbury, CT: July 30 & 31, presented by Simsbury Meadows Performing Arts Center
★ Newbury, MA: August 2 & 3, presented by Theater in the Open
★ Cumberland, ME: August 5 & 6, presented by Portland Ovations
★ Kennebunkport, ME: August 8 & 9, presented by Kennebunkport Consolidated PTA
★ Fryeburg, ME: August 11, 12 & 13
★ Greensboro, VT: August 15, 16 & 17